How long have you been getting adjusted at Kitchell Chiropractic?
Three years and three months.
What condition prompted you to seek chiropractic care?
I could not turn my head to the left without severe pain and a clicking sound. Also had reduced feeling in my neck from deteriorated tissue between several vertabrae. This often coincided with pain at the top of my head. My torso was twisted torso so that my chest pointed to the left. My previous primary care doctor said it was something I would just have to live with if it was not bothering me.
How has this condition changed with regular chiropractic care?
Now I can easily turn my head to the left and look over my shoulder. I can do this without pain or the clicking sound. I can also lay flat on my back without my chest twisting to the left.
How has chiropractic effected your life – physically, socially and even personal?
Physically – I have no more pain. My weekly adjustment “unkinks” all my muscle knots and tension from work and social stresses. I can actually turn my head and look behind me when merging in traffic (instead of turning my entire torso around). Personally – Being aligned along with the holistic approach at Kitchell Chiropractic has helped me relax more. I now pay attention to what stress can do to my body and I take better care to divert this stress. Chiropractic for me is part of my practice – it aligns with my yoga practice. Both are necessary for my wellbeing.
Why would you recommend Kitchell Chiropractic?
I would recommend Kitchell Chiropractic because of their holistic approach to chiropractic. It is not just about the “crack” of the adjustment. It is about learning why you are in pain and why you are misalinged (all about the subluxations ?), and how chiropractic can support a healthier mind and body.
Testimonial from:
Chris H.